Why should you be a sponsor?
Connect with medical and scientific disciplines involved in (peripheral) nerve surgery. As an exhibiting company, you will have tremendous visibility as the exhibit hall is located directly above the dissection room. The exhibit hall will serve as the main meeting area for participants, where they can enjoy coffee breaks, and lunch. Take advantage of this chance to establish connections, engage with potential new clients, and show the products your company offers to support surgeons in their (peripheral) nerve surgery.
The course will comprise plenary presentations covering various fields of nerve surgery in the upper extremities, as well as live dissections on fresh frozen cadavers in both the upper and lower extremities. Surgeons with a particular interest in nerve surgery from various specialties, including neurosurgeons, plastic surgeons, trauma surgeons, vascular surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, as well as fellows and residents, will attend the course. If you are interested in sponsoring the upcoming edition of the nerve course in April 2024, please contact Nadine Boers.
Sponsors will receive recognition on signs, printed materials, and slides throughout the entire duration of the course.
- Nadine Boers and Christianne Jansma
- info@nervesurgerycourse.com
- 088 75 569 54 - Staff secretary
- UMC Utrecht
- Heidelberglaan 100
- 3584 CX Utrecht